Resilient Tactical offers Oklahoma’s best tactical pistol and rifle craft, creating confident and proficient shooters for real world application.
Lead Instructor and Owner, Cristian, is the 2017 USMC National Trophy Pistols Match Champion and has an extensive competition shooting resume making him uniquely qualified as a marksman instructor. With Resilient Tactical, Cristian has created a training program that combines functional skill with tactical technique that prepares you for real world challenges. Resilient Tactical training is appropriate for all skill and experience levels, as Cristian is able to modify his teaching to ensure confidence, safety, and proficiency for all students.
Range safety, fundamentals, grip, trigger squeeze, and stance are the main focus.
This class is designed to get you comfortable and proficient at handling your pistol and making accurate and precise shots down range, whether it’s with your EDC or range pistol.
Speed, movement, and controlled footwork are the main focus.
Learning to be delicate with your footwork and shooting on the move, under stress and fatigue, will be tested.
Your skills from Level I and Level II will be applied and tested. Speed comes into effect as well as accurate chord on paper.
Shooting from behind cover, shooting on the move, and various shooting positions will be performed in this course of fire.
Resilient Tactical provides the best tactical, real world pistol and rifle craft training in Oklahoma.
Classes and Range Time are designed to improve your confidence and proficiency regardless of skill or experience.
Group, Women’s Only, and Private classes are available!
CONTACT US TODAY for more information or to reserve your spot!